Minggu, 19 Februari 2012

Nomor HP Greyson chance

Nomor HP Greyson chance sedang ramai dicari para penggemarnya. Penyanyi poprock Amerika dan pianis yangdikenal lewat YouTube ini sepertinya mulai menyaingi Justin Bieber. beberapa waktu lalu Nomor Handphone justin Bieber pun banyak menjadi incaran, terutama oleh para gadis ABG yang ngefans berat dengannya. Beberapa sumber mengatakan Greyson chance selalu berganti nomor HP setiap bulan, karena seringnya nomor yang dia miliki tersebar ke banyak orang, sehingga mungkin Greyson agak sedikit terganggu dengan para penggemarnya yang selalu menghubungi nomor tersebut , tapi saya dapat dari teman bb saya no greyson +16262031947 , jangan lupa follow blog ini ya

Jumat, 17 Februari 2012

Greyson Announses Hold On Til The Night Album @GoodMorningAmerica

Greyson Chance's photo: Just got done performing on GMA, and announced that my album is named Hold On 'Til The Night. I made it for all of you, you're going to love it!(:

During his visit to Good Morning America on Good Friday, 2011, Greyson Chance announced to the Nation that his new album would be coming soon and that the title to his album would be: Hold On ‘Til The Night.
Greyson also stated that he made this album for all of his adoring fans and that they were going to love it. Since Greyson entered the studio, many months ago to begin working on his debut album, his fanbase has been supportive and patiently waiting for his BIG DAY. It seems that day is right around the corner and we are so happy to cover this moment, as one of Greyson’s fans.
Go Greyson Go! Keep doing what you do

Greyson Chance’s “Hold On ‘Til The Night” Is Out Now! And Here’s The Scoop

Have you been counting down the days until the release of Greyson Chance‘s new album? Us too, in case you couldn’t tell from exhibit A andexhibit B and, ya know, Teen.com posts in general. And today is the day of its mega huge ginormo release! So, obvs, we’re filling you in on the album deets…
Check out the track listing below! Which song is your fave?
“Waiting Outside the Lines”
“Unfriend You”
“Home Is In Your Eyes”
“Hold On ‘Til The Night”
“Heart Like Stone”
“Little London Girl”
“Take A Look At Me Now”
Oh, and BTW, click here for a free download of Greyson’s new song, “Heart Like Stone!” And while you’re at it, check out all of our EXCLUSIVE vids where we go On Tour with Greyson Chance! We’ve put our fave below:
Make sure you buy the whole album on iTunes now! Are you a Greyson fan? Do you love “Unfriend You?” Ever see Grey in concert? Tell us everything in the comments!
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Jumat, 23 Desember 2011

Greyson Chance Universal Studios Grinchmas Celebrity

Greyson Chance took the podium, center stage at Universal Studios to read the book, “How a Grinch Stole Christmas” as part of Universal’s Grichmas Celebrity reading series.
It all went down on December 11th, 2011 at Universal Studios in Hollywood, California!  We spoke with a few of Greyson’s biggest fans in attendance as well as some new fans, the one thing they all had to say was that Greyson certainly put them in the holiday spirit!
Checkout this video of Greyson reading at the event.
… and a photo of Greyson and the Grinch himself!

Greyson Chance Hold On ‘Til The Night Music Video

Greyson Chance’s music video for Hold On ‘Til The Night has been released!
Here it is!

Greyson Chance Performs at ACLU Bill of Rights Dinner

Greyson Chance performed at the ACLU Bill of Rights Dinner on December 12th, 2011.
The event took place at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverley Hills, California.  In celebration of the 220th Anniversary of the Bill of Rights, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Southern California hosted a dinner to pay tribute to several award recipients.  Greyson was the evenings special musical guest performer!
One of the recipients of the 2011 Bill of Rights Award was Troy Carter, the CEO of Atom Factory and Greyson’s manager! (Congrats Mr. Carter!)
We understand this event was pretty high class (check out Greyson’s slick black suite) and tickets ranged from $300 – $1000 to attend the four hour long dinner.
Checkout some photos of Greyson performing at the event below.
(Courtesy of Getty Images)
Greyson congratulated his manager publicly on Twitter following the award presentation.

Greyson Chance Young Hollywood Interview

Greyson Chance sat down with Kinsey Schofield of Young Hollywood to chat about his new music video Hold On ‘Til The Night and some of the latest happenings surrounding his career.
The dedicated super fans were definitely the highlight of this interview though and the ongoing debate about Greysonators vs Enchancers continues!  Greyson’s thoughts on social networking etiquette and relationships rounded out this awesome video!
Our favorite part was when Greyson shares a story about how he received a shirt from a few of his fans that he loved so much, he wore it during the show the night he got it!
Check all this out and more by watching the video below!